Transport League (SE)

It doubtlessly takes a lot of mental strength to stay on your chosen path, despite all the imponderables that the music industry entails. Transport League from Sweden are a prime example of determination and perseverance. As the critics’ faves, they have been praised to the skies, as a down-to-earth band they’ve always remained in tune with the times and close to their fans, while their rhythmic, powerful and stylistically diverse heavy metal has left an impressive mark on the international hard’n’heavy scene. Transport League are set to launch another artistic landmark on September 6th 2019, when the band are scheduled to release their new album A MLIION VOLT SCREAM thru MIGHTY MUSIC before going on to present their latest material live on stage with their familiar merciless energy. That’s when everybody will understand why the media like to refer to the group’s style by the album title of its 2014 release: BOOGIE FROM HELL!

Said boogie is also present on A MILLION VOLT SCREAM, albeit not exclusively so. Transport League appear to have opened Pandora’s metal box with intent and are now busy blazing their trail through all those strong ideas that they have unleashed. “Of course there’s boogie again, but also doom and hardcore, fast songs and hard riffs,” vocalist/guitarist Tony Jelencovich describes the new album. “Our sound may have changed a few times, but not the band’s raw power and our penchant for strong grooves.” The three longstanding band members Tony Jelencovich, Peter Hunyadi (guitar) and Mattias Starander (drums) recorded the album together with Transport League’s new bassist Dennis Österdal who has joined the fold to replace Lars Häglund, the latter having had to leave the group due to health problems.

Jelencovich is referring to rigorous numbers such as ´Monster Human`, set to be supported by a video clip, which has him state: “Leben , Sterben”.´Dawn of Lucifer` is no less uncompromising, Transport League by all appearances having been inspired by acts such as Black Sabbath and certainly doing the term ‘doom metal’ credit.

Talking of inspiration: “A MILLION VOLT SCREAM is a return to our own roots and mixes them with influences that had already surfaced on our two previous releases BOOGIE FROM HELL and TWIST AND SHOUT AT THE DEVIL,” Jelencovich summarizes the basic direction of the new material.

A MILLION VOLT SCREAM was produced at Oral Majority Recordings and at the Top Floor studios under the direction of Roberto Laghi (In Flames, Entombed AD, Raised Fist, Sonic Syndicate, Mustasch, Hardcore Superstar etc), who also mixed the album.

About twenty years after the arrival of their debut STALLION SHOWCASE, Transport League are ready to present A MILLION VOLT SCREAM – not only their eight album to date but further evidence of their inexhaustible creative power. The scheduled tour in autumn 2019 is certain to reinforce this positive impression.